From the beginning, through its interaction with the University of Buenos Aires, CEMIC has contributed to the academic development of more than 1,000 physicians. Moreover, several professionals have completed their postgraduate training at CEMIC and have later helped the community in different health centers in Argentina and abroad.
In 1997, the Argentine Executive granted the creation of CEMIC University Institute (IUC).
In 1998, the School of Medicine Academic Unit was started, where 5 graduate curricula are taught. The Medical Curriculum is taught since 1999, with its accreditation provided by both CONEAU and MERCOSUR Educativo. The Cytotechnology curriculum was incorporated in 2003. The Nursing curriculum, which also provides an intermediate degree of University Nurse, was started in 2009. Moreover, Nursing Licenciatura and Nutrition Licenciatura were incorporated in 2012.
The following studies are also carried out at this Academic Unit:

  1. 13 specialty curricula accredited by CONEAU, which require prior Medical Residencies, grant university degree, and are valid all over the country.
  2. 3 university residencies.
  3. 30 postgraduate annual courses.

An Adult Primary Care Training Program (Spanish acronym: PROCAPA) is also carried out to provide continuous training to health professionals from CEMIC and other centers.

In the year 2002, IUC started the Research Institute Academic Unit, which consists of 51 researchers from different categories.
In 2009, pursuant to Law Decree N.º 69/09 enacted by the Argentine Executive, IUC was definitely entitled to work as a private university institution.

Summary of part of CEMIC teaching activity over the 1958-2013 period:

CEMIC Teaching Division

  1. 1,026 physicians studied the whole or part of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Medical Curriculum at CEMIC (1958-2003).
  2. 345 auxiliary nurses studied at CEMIC (1978-1997).
  3. 85 professional nurses studied at CEMIC (1982-1999).
  4. 166 cytotechnologists studied at CEMIC (1982-2002).

CEMIC University Institute
(2004-May 2013)

Graduate Curricula


  1. 192 graduated physicians
  2. 90 graduated cytotechnologists

Nursing Licenciatura

  1. 26 graduated students holding Intermediate Degree in University Nursing
  2. 46 partial scholarships were granted to graduate students in 2012.

Postgraduate curricula: Specialty Curricula and University Residencies

  1. 1087 residents
  2. 344 graduated specialist physicians, which are included in the above 1087 residents group.

In 2012, 134 scholarships were granted to residents.

Postgraduate Courses

  1. 250 postgraduate courses were carried out.


  • 96 rotations done by residents from the City of Buenos Aires hospitals.           
  • 75 rotations done by students and professionals from abroad.